thebestof Eastbourne

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David is a human dynamo with enthusiasm in abundance. These qualities are overshadowed however by his incredible vault of marketing knowledge. My social media mentor and all round rather lovely chap!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Sally, I am pleased you were able to take away so much from our 1-2-1 session.
David is not only one of the nicest chaps you will ever meet, he is a true professional and a bit of a workaholic! I emailed him details of a charity event at way gone midnight on a Sunday night, and they were listed on thebestof local events almost immediately!

Reply from thebestof Eastbourne:
I believe the correct term is "work enthusiast" It's a pleasure to support some of the best businesses in Eastbourne of which Chatfields Jewellers is certainly one.
Having meet David 6 + years ago at a one of the first Tweet-ups meeting he held in Eastbourne and where he was just really starting his new journey, in the local community offering Businesses and the local community his expertise and ability to be heard above other and to get your business out there in the town and beyond, he will work heard and every avenue would have been tried and tested, for each business. It has not been easy and as he would says himself and as we all know it is an up-hill battle for all business of all sizes, but that is were he comes in to the fold as he will never leave you on your own he will keep pushing until he has your name out there offering his services in marketing, training and social media as well as offering practical solutions where needed, from local suppliers and local people, He has become an asset to the Town because above everything else he has a passion in what he does and the love he has for Eastbourne is paramount.
Do you know what a squeeze page is and how you can use one to run an online competition and data capture details of potential customers for later use as a mailing list. Well nor did I till recently lol. Now I have a competition live on my Facebook page and have received more than 100 new page likes in three days. What a great investment being a member business of Best of Eastbourne. Always something new to learn from David and other members.
We have been a member of the 'Best of' for a while now and have found it to be the best advertising measure we have used to date! Our on line presence has been greatly improved and through the fantastic group meetings, we have blossomed new ideas to grow our business further! Thank you David for all your hard work and dedication to us.
David is an invaluable hive of information and advice on all our marketing needs! Night or day he is there on hand to help. I have not been hugely active on social media but this is becoming less alien to our business now with his guidance. Thank you David!
David has been such a fantastic support to my business and to me personally. I have learnt so much and had great exposure for my business. I am delighted with being a member of the Best of Eastbourne and highly recommend it and can't thank David enough for all of his support and support.
I would like to take a moment to thank David Ruddle and Bestof Eastbourne for all his help and support in 2015 with us at cineworld Eastbourne. I have found his ideas innovative and have enjoyed working with him a lot. Additionally, any advice or competitons I have looked at starting, communication and help have been easy to come by and I have found his input invaluable. Thank you! - David Bullivent, Cineworld Eastbourne
The Best of Eastbourne gives people an opportunity not only to meet local people who share each other's passions and interests, but also to appreciate the place where they live, to support the best of the local initiatives and to create an inspiring and stimulating environment for community development. David Ruddle, who leads the company, is dedicated to what he does and shows wonderful support to every worthy initiative in the area. Thank you!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Your talk was brilliant, hope you can make it along again as it would be great to see you there.
Great SEO and one-to-one tailored support for our non-profit organisation
The help that David gives to small local charities is second to none
Always supportive and good humored, with lots going on!
Dealing with David is always a pleasure he is helpful and enthusiastic about the best of and how to help local businesses and charities
This is a fantastic platform for local businesses and community groups to reach a wide audience and have an influence they couldn't have otherwise. I thoroughly recommend it and use it a lot myself!
David's support of Pentacle Drummers has been amazing. Many thanks.
thank you for a great "Tweet Up" meeting tonight, I really enjoyed it, met some nice new people, and had a good laugh, PERFECT!!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Glad you enjoyed yourself :)
What can I say. the Best Of Eastbourne and David Ruddle are just fantastic. So much enthuiasm for Eastbourne, local business and community. The Pentacle Drummers are proud to be a member of TBoE.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thanks Greg, its seems like a distant memory hearing the drums in the distance before I discovered the awesome Pentacle Drummers! Its been great fun to help promote you all.
Great way to meet local businesses who are a key part of our community. Very organised meet ups under the watchful eye and stewardship of David Ruddle.

Reply from David Ruddle:
I know we conflict with game night and we look forward to seeing you when next you are able :)
Thanks in large parts to David Ruddle's enthusiasm and knowledge, Cineworld Eastbourne's relationship with TheBestOfEastbourne has gone from strength to strength this year! Always helpful and innovative, TheBestOfEastbourne have succeeded in providing a strong marketing and B2B relationship with us which we look forward to further successful collaborations with in the future. Keep up the good work!

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you John, it had been great helping Cineworld with their local competitions and generally what's going on at the Cinema.
As a company we wanted a reliable & affordable business to assist us with our marketing requirements. That was the point The Best Of Eastbourne & David Ruddle's name was mentioned not by one but a few local businesses as the man for the job. David has helped us no end in promoting our company giving us tips and skills to help with our marketing plans and is always on the end of the phone should you need his advice. Needless to say we are now another company that would thoroughly recommend David to your business, you won't regret it.
Whilst I'm not able to get online as much as I would like at the moment when I do I find this a great source of help. Thank you for taking the time in providing this David.

Reply from David Ruddle:
You are welcome Suzie, if you ever need anything hopefully thebestof Eastbourne will have the answer :)
I've been going to the TweetUp since summer 2014 and have found each and every event to be friendly, informative and fun. I've made some great contacts and always find it a worthwhile use of my time. I heartily recommend you come along, you won't be disappointed.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thanks Gill, the fact you network so much and recommend us is great :)
Eastbourne Tweetup has been great for furniture Now over the past year that I have been working with David. We have made some very valuable contacts in a relaxed and friendly environment. I personally look forward to going along knowing that it is a more informal session after a long day in the office. I have now even made friends with a few of the regulars to which is always a bonus. If you haven't been along to a TweetUp yet do it as soon as you can and I guarantee you wont regret it.

Reply from David Ruddle:
Be good to see you more often but I know how busy you are.
I have been involved with the business interests & marketing of 'The Afton Hotel' until recently. In that time, the hotel has greatly benefitted from being a member of 'thebestofeastbourne' & came to regard it as a necessary part of its business life. Any type of business which wants to make the most of itself in its local community should be involved with this dynamic & informative organisation. It's run in Eastbourne by the very personable & efficient David Ruddle. David is not only able to understand the specific needs of his clients but can enthusiastically translate these needs into positive strategies in a friendly & supportive way which produces positive results. I would strongly recommend that to get the best of Eastbourne, one should join 'thebestofeastbourne'. Cathy Giorgi, July 2015.

Reply from David Ruddle:
I am so pleased to have found the Afton Hotel contacted me about membership when thebestof Eastbourne was still in its early days maybe only a few months old! Marco and Cathy could see the potential of working with thebestof Eastbourne and it have been a brilliant and supportive venue with such flexibility to accommodate our early events of 5 or 10 people to our BIG events holding between 50 - 80 attendees ALL FREE to attend for Eastbourne! Good luck to you Cathy (and Marco) Eastbourne misses you but wishes you well.
The most superb meeting today with David today. Really helped me to focus my marketing so that I am working smart not hard.! Thanks so much for your help and support and encouragement! Excellent service

Reply from David Ruddle:
Thank you Rachel, today was a real "get focused" session Something I love about my role in thebestof Eastbourne is helping great business owners like you step back and review the big picture. Helping you focus your marketing on your goals.
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