Addressing Scepticism: The 'Feel, Felt, Found' Approach
29th September 2020
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It’s a FACT that most people are and will be sceptical about what you offer. 
Whether you’re offering weight loss solutions, a new boiler, a family holiday or even marketing advice(!) your potential customers will be sceptical of you. 
And that’s normal! 
From childhood, we’re taught to be wary of people we don’t know…and to never make a fast decision when it comes to buying something.
So to expect your prospect to go against the very habits and beliefs that are ingrained in childhood is foolish.
That’s why this week’s Tuesday Tip is to…
Address scepticism head on.
Most people try to gloss over this. But both you and your prospect know it’s there and if you pretend it’s invisible, you look like a fool.
The best approach is called the “you might be wondering” language pattern.
It works like this:
First, you identify the main area of scepticism.
Let’s say you’re selling a course on Email Marketing …and the main area of scepticism is that people think it’ll be too hard from a “technical” perspective.
The next step is to address this objection by framing it as a question.
Like this:
“You might be wondering how you’re going to survive the brutal paces of having to figure out complicated systems and software.”
Now it’s time to answer that question using the classic…
“Feel, Felt, Found.”
It looks like this:
“I know exactly how you feel.
In fact, I felt the same way when I started!
And up until recently, there really was a brutal learning curve.
In fact, it was worse than most people realise!
But recently, I found a simple way to get my emails sent that’s 100% tech-free.
I was able to set everything up in an afternoon, and it was so easy… I didn’t even have to read the instructions!
In fact, there was no software to install, no “code” of any kind, and when I think about it… it was actually fun!”
Now you’ve not only addressed their scepticism – but you’ve crushed it into oblivion! 
So the next time you want to sell something do this: 
1. List all the things your prospects might be sceptical of 
2. Map out your own ‘Feel, Felt, Found’ for each one
3. Use them in your marketing
You’ll be amazed at the difference it’ll make! 

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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