Advertising Images Have One Job - Use The Wisely
27th September 2021
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If you’ve struggled with your advertising, whether it’s in printed format or maybe online with something like Facebook Ads, or maybe you’ve never advertised at all, but know you should, then this week’s tip is perfect for you. 
You see, when used properly, ads in printed or online format are a hugely powerful tool to help grow your business. 
Now we’re not going to bombard you with all the details of what should be or shouldn’t be in an advert.
But what we are going to talk about is one area that is usually has the least amount of time and thought put into it - but is arguably the most important part.
The image.
It has ONE JOB: 
To grab people's attention. That’s it!
Your copy is there to 'sell' what you're selling - the image is there to stop people from skimming or scrolling past it, and READ the words you've written. 
If people don’t stop, they won’t read the copy.
So what makes a great and effective Ad image? 
If you’re advertising or posting on Facebook, remember it’s a sea of blue, white and grey - so make your ad stand out by using bright colours. In general, yellow, red, pink and green work well both online and printed. Try adding a colourful border or background too! 
No Text  
REMEMBER: the job of the image is NOT to SELL - it's to stop people from scrolling and get their attention. So if you're trying to add too many words selling things to your images you're going down the wrong route. 
NOT Boring  
This is the most important thing to consider when creating your images. Make sure they stand out, grab attention, and are completely 'un-miss-able. 
If your image looks like an ad, people will scroll or skim-read past it (like an ad!). So for best results, use an image that could have been posted by friends and family and doesn't outright look like an advert with a bog standard stock image. 
And if you want some help or ideas with your next Ad - Just give us a call or reply to this email and one our team will gladly talk you through it.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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