All important planning only pays off when you implement them!
25th October 2022
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In last week’s tip, we spoke about how you have control of what you give your attention to.

It’s a really important part of building a profitable and successful business – but only if you put into action the positive and useful things that you pay attention to.

Someone we work with told us about a business owner they know who went to a business event last year.

He had made pages and pages of notes.

He was full of big plans.

He had devised a list of actions and things he needed to implement to move his business forward.

He knew exactly what he needed to do.

Fast forward to 12 months later and he was asked what he'd implemented.

The short answer was...

…next to nothing!!!

Why not?

Well, he had umpteen excuses.

All of them credible.

All of them reasonable.

Not one of them valid IF he was serious about getting his business to where he wants it to be.

We know it ain't easy. You do really, really, really have to want it in order to make it happen.

If you don't, it's just too easy to let those excuses slide in and justify them.

Procrastination, you see, is the disease of the poor.

Seeking urgent things to do rather than cracking on with the important stuff that you KNOW matters most is a challenge we all have.

We wrestle with it every day.

But it's Daily Disciplines that make the difference.

Our and many other thebestof members’ successes have come about because we've formed habits of doing things that most people don't like to do - and so they find excuses or procrastinate whereas Daily Disciplines mean we get them done.

So... how's your list looking?

What do you want to get done this week that you know you could/should have got done last week?

What's stopping you getting it cracked this week?

I know the answer - and you do too...'s YOU.

You are all that stands between you and super-success which, if your head is in the right place, should be an incredibly liberating and motivating thought.

Will you back YOU? Will YOU prevail?

Or will the procrastination pixie pollute your mind like he does the minds of the poor?

And remember, we’re here if you need help clarifying what activities you should be focusing on to help your business move forward.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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