Are you giving your potential customer the WOW feeling?
19th October 2021
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We’re right back to basics this week.

But it’s for a good reason.

Imagine the scenario…

You’re out on a first date with someone.

It went well and you wanted to see them again.

Would you…

(A)    Never speak to them again?

(B)    Wait a few months and send them a “Hi” out of the blue?

(C)    Ask them to marry you at the end of your date?

(D)   Send a message soon after your date asking if they would like to go out again?

You don’t have to be a dating or relationship expert to know that the answer is, of course, D.

The same goes for how you talk to your customers.

But so many either ask for the sale too soon (option C) or fail to follow up entirely (option A) which are both cardinal sins of marketing and service.

Luckily, a well crafted email follow up sequence or phone call schedule can help you avoid those mistakes.

Feel free to give me a call on 01323 406060 and I can help you make sure you follow up in a way that will help you keep engaged with more of your leads and prospects.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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