Boost Your Sales with Irresistible Offers - Learn from Costco
23rd February 2021
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Gotta love this email from CostCo that caught our attention recently.
They're selling toilet rolls for £18.99 and a speedboat for £105,000 - in the same email!!
It reminded me of something that was taught to me many years ago: there's always a direct correlation between the number of offers you make and the number of sales you make. 
If CostCo don't offer the speedboat (or anything else for that matter) in an email they won't make any sales. If they do offer it, they might.
Hmmm. Wonder how many they sold?
More importantly, (and this is the point of this weeks Tip), I wonder what offers you could be emailing about to your list this month that might make you a sale if you send it...
And if you want some help creating a compelling offer and shouting about it to the people of Eastbounre then give us a call on 01323 406060


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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