Business Ambassadors Collective Effort to Help with the SCF Acupuncture Service Appeal
12th May 2021
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We would like to extend our Community-Based Acupuncture Service (CBAS) and treat more patients and make the service more accessible. But to do this and run the existing service we need to raise £23,000.

You can read more about the service and the appeal here.

This year our amazing team of volunteer Business Ambassadors will be focusing their fundraising efforts on contributing to this campaign. Our Business Ambassadors support us in many ways, through providing pro bono services to SCF, helping to raise our profile, and some, where possible create their own fundraising events. This is the first time they will be concentrating their efforts on a specific project for the Sussex Cancer Fund.

We will be bringing you news of all their activities so please support them where you can and if you and your business would like to get involved please do get in touch.

Posted in Business & Trust SupportBusinesses & Sussex Cancer Fund

About the Author

Sussex Cancer Fund

Member since: 21st January 2020

We work together with the NHS to help make life better for cancer patients in Sussex – providing equipment and services that make a tangible difference for patients who are often on a difficult and stressful...

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