Business Development Team Roles and Responsibilities
24th May 2022
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Playing solo ain’t smart…
Whether you love it or loathe it, football provides so many good analogies for business, none better than this one:
Imagine you enjoy playing football.
You know that it's a team sport, but you decide to start off on your own.
You figure that if you get on the pitch by yourself and start playing, it will be a lot easier than finding ten teammates.
You'll play in goal; you'll marshal the defence; you'll spread the ball around in the middle of the field; and you'll get down the wings and put in the crosses - where you'll also be there to head in the goals.
Clearly, this is bonkers.
It won’t work.
You can’t play every position in a football team on your own.
When you line up for your first match against a team of 11 opponents, if you adopt this approach, you're going to get smashed.
Each player on their team is focused on their specialised role, they'll be organised and they’ll defeat you. Heavily. Heck, a team of 11 amateurs would defeat a one-man team of Ronaldo, or Messi!
But let’s just imagine for a moment that the match takes place.
You (on your own) against a team of eleven.
You'll quickly become exhausted. Overwhelmed. Tired out.
You'll be running around trying to do everything and there will be no time to talk about getting other people to join your team. You won't score any goals. You won't win any matches.
Clearly, no sane person would do this.
Yet most people miss this logic and somehow seem to think that the approach I’ve just outlined is an appropriate way to build their business.
It's not.
Starting on your own, thinking that you'll get some customers then hire a team when the money is flowing, sounds great on paper. But it doesn't work out that way.
You get exhausted. Overwhelmed. You fall behind. And you lose business to a team that's been properly assembled from the start.
To move any business to a position of sustained success requires that you have a high performing team.
I promise you this is true.
It can start with a virtual team; outsource your bookkeeping; get other people to answer the phone; get help marketing and showcasing your business to increase enquires and sales. Then perhaps you move on and get a VA to provide admin support and organise you a bit better.
But if you're doing everything in your business. If you're truly a one-man team. Then it’s really, really hard to get super-successful.
And the situation that you find yourself in is just as ridiculous as it would be on that football pitch on Sunday morning when you turn out against 11 opponents.
So if you would like some guidance on the areas you should delegate or outsource to allow you to spend more time on growing the business, then give get in touch.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

As the owner of thebestof Eastbourne, I use my marketing expertise to help local businesses get noticed and connect with the community to thrive.

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