Doer to Marketer Mindset Shift: Unlock Your Business Potential
4th April 2023
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I’ll start this week’s Top Tip Tuesday with a quote from one of the great marketers of the modern age – Dan Kennedy:
“The first big leap from ordinary business to big income business comes quickly once the business owner makes the intellectual, emotional and actual switch from ‘doer’ of his or her thing to ‘marketer’ of his or her thing”.
That says it all really.
Your job as a business owner is to get a sufficient number of customers buying from you. The only way you can be sure that you’re doing the best you possibly can in this regard is to think of yourself as a marketer of whatever it is that you do.
So if you sell flowers, you are NOT a florist. You a marketer of florist services.
If you’re a plumber, you are a marketer of plumbing services.
If you own a dress shop, you are a marketer of a women’s fashion boutique.
This mind-shift from ‘doer’ to ‘marketer’ is soooooooooo important!
It’s very difficult, if not impossible to achieve your true potential in business without it.
You see, most of your competitors see themselves as ‘doers’ of their thing. The minute you begin thinking of yourself as a marketer, you gain a huge advantage over them.
Now don’t get us wrong, we know that there are times when you have to ‘do-the-do’ in the business, but not setting time aside to be a ‘marketer’ of your “thing” is only going to hinder the growth and success of your business.
Making the shift from 'doer' to 'marketer' is simpler than you may think, and we're here to assist you with it. To discuss how we can help you make this change in your business, book a call with us through our online calendar.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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