Don't wait for perfection in your marketing, JUST DO IT!
28th May 2024
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A few months ago, one of our colleagues had sessions with two business owners – who each wanted to make changes to their websites, as they weren’t happy with their conversion rates.

Both sessions were very productive and each went away with a list of actions needed to help them convert more website visitors into enquiries and sales.

Fast forward to last week, when our colleague checked in with both business owners and their progress since their last meeting - you may not be surprised to find out that the two responses were very different…

One had done everything from the list - got his website updated, looking great and the results were superb. More visitors, more enquiries, more phone calls - and more sales.

Whereas the other, you guessed it, had done nothing!

Everything was just as it was when he left the meeting - written down in his notepad.

Unsurprisingly, his conversion rates remained the same – disappointing.

These two business owners had the exact same meeting, they made ample notes, knew they needed to implement and had the same time to get it done. Yet only one of them actually did it.


Business owner one knows the importance of making stuff happen and implementing fast. 

He just did it. And quickly.

He understood that speed matters if you want your business to move forward and grow.

The faster things happen in your business, the quicker you’ll make the progress you need to get to where you want to be.

Business owner two made excuses, he waited around, implemented nothing and saw no change.

So if there’s something in your business that you know needs to happen and you’ve been putting it off - now is the time to get it done (and, it doesn’t have to be YOU… delegate to your team or outsource it, there’s always a way).

In the words of Nike - Just Do It.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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