Eastbourne Business Owners Don’t Be Afraid To Say No
8th August 2023
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For a lot of businesses, there are certain months of the year that are quieter than others.

But there's plenty we can do during those periods that will impact massively on the rest of the year.

And there's one biggie in particular that will have a H-U-G-E impact on your business and your life IF you address it.

But too many business owners are afraid to do it.

Saying 'NO'.

Decide - and take action on the things that YOU should NOT be doing.

Use the first few days of your least busy periods to say 'NO' to the things that suck your time and take you away from the big stuff.

And stop doing 'em.

STOP doing the £10 an hour work in your business.

Liberate yourself instead to do the £100, £1000 or even £10,000 an hour work that will catapult you forward towards 2024 and beyond.

Say 'NO' to the things you do that are way below your pay grade but which you do out of habit or because you've always done them.

Recognise the futility of dreaming big when your daily 'To do' list is full of all the little stuff - and say 'NO' to it.

Stop carrying on that way. Say 'NO'.

To make meaningful progress, somehow, someway, you have to liberate some of your time - and now is the time to do it.

Say 'NO' to the things that are really holding you back.

The little things that get your time, your energy and your focus and that collectively squeeze out the big stuff.

Make your 'TO-DON'T' list - the things that you do that you shouldn't be doing.

It doesn't need to be a big list.

Just stopping 2-3 low value tasks that someone-has-to-do-but-it-shouldn't-be-you will make a massive difference.

Delegate the things on that list. Outsource them. Eliminate them from your life.

Liberate yourself to spend time thinking and focusing on the big stuff that will really make a difference.

That's what it's all about...

Come on. You can do it. Start your TO-DON'T list. Today.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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