Eastbourne Coffee Drinkers - Can Coffee Be Good For You?
17th August 2017
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Coffee has been around for over 11 centuries and is currently the most widely consumed beverage in the world. And while many recognize its benefits as a pick-me-up wonder drink, a few of us talk about its health benefits.

Coffee naturally contains a variety of compounds including caffeine, antioxidants and diterpenes. These contribute not only to the unique flavour but also to the well-researched physiological effects of coffee.

A quick search on Google or WebMD will yield tons of growing evidence that drinking coffee may decrease cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disorders, and that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and dementia, and may have fewer cases of certain types of cancers, heart rhythm problems and strokes.

The health effects of coffee depend largely on how coffee is prepared. For example, coffee paper filters found with filtered coffee makers remove oily components called Diterpenes, leading to adverse effects linked to coronary heart disease.

Studies show that men who drink six or more cups of coffee daily decrease their risk of developing prostate cancer by 20%. Meanwhile a 2011 study showed that women who drink two to three cups of caffeinated coffee a day were 15% less likely to develop depression over a 10-year period than those who drank one cup of coffee or less per week.

And, by the way, caffeine found in coffee might boost female sex drive. It worked on rats anyway. But researchers say in humans, coffee might enhance the sexual experience better among people who are not habitual users.

Coffee contains antioxidants, which helps prevent free radicals from damaging cells. One study found that a typical serving (approximately 9 oz) of coffee contains more antioxidants than a serving of grape juice, blueberries, raspberries, or oranges.

Also, a plethora of separate studies in 2014, 2015 and 2016 found coffee is good for your liver, may lower risk of heart attacks, might cut the risk of colon cancer, reduce risk of multiple sclerosis (MS), and, as reported in the journal Circulation, one to five cups a day may generally reduce the risk of early death.

Moderate doses of caffeine — the equivalent of two cups of coffee— found to cut post-gym muscle pain, and a study in 2012 found those who drink coffee before sitting down to work at a computer had less neck and shoulder pain. There is not sufficient research, in big enough studies, to draw any firm conclusions on this possibility, however.

Coffee has also been found to decrease the risk of the alcohol-related liver disease cirrhosis, which can cause cancer and liver failure. One study found that “for each cup of coffee they drank per day, participants were 22 percent less likely to develop alcoholic cirrhosis.” Although not directly linked to alcohol recovery, a more recent study from Italy concluded that drinking coffee can reduce the chances of liver cancer by 40 percent while drinking three or more cups a day could reduce such risk by 50 percent.

In Japan (the world third largest consumer), coffee has been used for centuries to improve skin, and reduce wrinkles, by bathing in coffee grounds that were fermented with pineapple pulp. Amazing! Beats mud-bathing. 

What about your pets?

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but the Guinness World Record holder for “Oldest Cat Ever”—a 38-year-old kitty named Creme Puff—drank coffee every morning of her furry little life (plus enjoying bacon, eggs, and broccoli). Before you dismiss that outright, consider this: the cat that Creme Puff beat out for the record (a 34-year-old cat, appropriately named Grandpa Rex Allen) had the same owner, and was fed the exact same diet.

So, head to Bella’s and enjoy that a cup of gourmet coffee and all its health benefits.

About the Author

Bella's Secret

Member since: 4th March 2017

Award winning cafe at the Enterprise Centre and Eastbourne Train Station offering Wedding Cakes, Celebration Cakes, Sugarcraft Classes and Parties for adults and Children.

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