Enticing Eastbourne Customers with Effective Offers
29th June 2021
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You may have noticed over the last few weeks and months, that people are starting to spend money again.

Restrictions have gradually eased and people are (generally) becoming more comfortable heading out, meaning they are taking more notice of what’s available in their town.

And with the final restrictions (hopefully) being lifted in just a few weeks time, now is the perfect opportunity to start thinking about how you can better entice people to engage with you, make enquires with you and ultimately buy from you. 

And that’s why we’re revisiting a hugely effective tactic that can help you do exactly that – if done correctly!

We’re talking about offers!

Some businesses don’t want to make offers. They think doing so will undervalue their product or company. To those headstrong owners, let me ask this: How much value will your product have to someone who never buys it? Someone who never takes a leap and becomes your customer at all? 

Think of offers like this. They remove the barrier to start working with you. They make it easier for a buyer to give your business a try.

Use offers to get them on your website, on the phone, or in your door for the first time.

Then use offers to keep them as loyal customers.

And if they ever do cease being loyal, use an offer to incentivise them back into the fold.

Can you see how offers can and should be used in your sales process to make more sales, keep more customers and make more money?

But don’t be weak and use generic, boring, “same-as-everyone-else” offers.

Use strong, exciting and engaging offers.

Instant motivation

Customers need a good reason to buy from you. And, like it or not, the quality of your product alone isn’t enough. Offers are one of the most useful marketing vehicles of all to create real, honest sales. But it gets better. Offers motivate buyers immediately and drive sales quickly.

Offers are most powerful when they motivate the customer to take some form of action — now! The motivation has to be something they care about. It has to be something of value they get for free or that saves them considerable money. NOT “10% OFF”! – It will barely register, and you’ll attract the wrong type of customers.

Besides coupons and price reductions, you can offer entry into a high value prize draw like an iPad or a new product or service you’re launching..

The ideas for offers are endless. You have to make the buyer care about the offer.

Offers for referrals

Apply offers to customers who refer you! This is a wonderful way to say “thank you,” and it’s ROI for you. After all, you can always use more referrals, can’t you?

Always be thinking of reasons for people to give you referrals. Offer discounts for qualified referrals, entries into a prize draw, “thank you” gifts and more.

This helps build good will with the customer and keeps you where you always need to be - right in front of them.

If selling is important to you, then offers should be too. Use offers that your customers will care about, effectively and frequently, and they will pay off in big ways.

And if you need help thinking of a good offer, then give us a call and we’ll help you create an offer that MAKES you money!


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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