Getting Inside Your Customer's Head: Answering the Right Questions
19th September 2023
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When business owners are asked “What’s the purpose of your website?”, most of the time, part of the response will be something along the lines of – “we want to inform our customers of everything we do.”
We agree, that telling your customers what you do and what products and services you have to offer is important. But the majority of your customers aren’t looking to know absolutely everything about every aspect of your business straight away.
You see, when people are browsing websites for the “thing” they need or want, in their mind they will have questions that need answering.
So what they want is answers to their questions. 
Now if you’re thinking “I’ve already got an FAQ section on my website”, then that’s great. But just check…
Are the questions being answered the ones your customers actually ask you – or are they things that YOU think your customers want to know?
It’s really important to know the difference, because you are not your customer.
How your customers think and how YOU think can be very different.
That’s because you’re cursed with the power of knowledge (you know everything about your business) and may be telling people stuff that they don’t actually want or need to know about in the first instance.
But how do you know what sort of questions your potential customers are asking?
Well, there’s a brilliant tool that can help you discover what people are asking about your product or service.
It’s called Answer The Public -
It will help you get into the mind of your customer and it cuts out all the guess work.
You just type in the keyword of your “thing” e.g. wedding photographer, and it will bring up the most common things people ask for that industry.
You can then create content and articles that specifically answer the questions you find.
This makes your website a lot more helpful and also positions you as being the go-to person, which is great for your trust and credibility - which in turn will increase enquiries and therefore sales.
So go check it out and see what you could discover about your industry through the eyes of your customers -
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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