How does your website look when viewed on a mobile device?
26th July 2022
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At a recent business event full of business owners (just like you), a decent proportion of them came along looking for help with their website.
In the majority of cases, there was a similar reason as to why they weren’t getting the interaction or conversions they wanted from visitors to their website.
We’ve all been there…
Just like most of us they’d spent hours, maybe even days, thinking about all the ways their products or services work and how they help their customers. They’ve created the perfect headline, intro, call to action and images to help put that across on their website…
They’d viewed it thousands of times and when it was finally ready it went live to the world!
BUT… the conversion rate just wasn’t as high as they hoped.
And the reason, in nearly every case, was the same.
They hadn’t checked it on mobile!
It’s surprising, (considering that around 80-85% of web traffic is now made on mobile versus desktop*), just how many people skip this step and overlook it.
The way you think it’s going to look (and most importantly, function) on mobile is likely to be miles apart from the reality.
Think gigantic images that cover the entire screen, buttons that aren’t clickable and ‘fall off’ the screen and text that’s either teeny tiny or supersized…
It can get very ugly.
So have a look at your website on mobile.
Is it easy to read, navigate, and interact with on the small screen with your fingers compared to a big screen and a mouse?
You might be surprised!
If you’d like an impartial view of how your website comes across then give us a call on 01323 406060.
*Hubspot 2021
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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