How effective is your marketing mailing list?
19th March 2024
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It can be frustrating, can’t it?

We put in effort, time and money into marketing and advertising our business in order to generate leads and enquiries.

Our email list grows, and we send out communication to that list.

But we’ve all been there. We check our report to see chunks of undelivered emails because of bounce or incorrect email addresses!

And the risk we run is that if we have too many “bad” email addresses, we could get blacklisted - or worse – suspended or kicked off our email provider.

Thankfully, you can now get your emails all “Kleaned” up and have confidence that your future messages will land in people’s inboxes.

It’s called

It takes your current email list and removes all the bad, dirty email addresses, leaving you with a nice clean list made up of only valid addresses – helping you keep your account in good standing with your email provider or CRM.

Its technology can find all the main culprits of “dirty” emails including:

  • Dormant accounts
  • Spam Traps
  • Invalid emails
  • Domain typo
  • BOTS…

Leaving you with more consistent email delivery, better engagement, increased inbox placement, better reputation and higher conversion rates.

So check it out at to try it for yourself.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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