How long should you leave it before you follow up?
16th July 2019
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You and I know all too well how much hard work goes into creating advertising and marketing to get new leads and enquiries and when you do, the natural thing is to try and get in touch with them, right?

You try once, you may even try twice but for nearly HALF of all businesses, that’s where it all stops.

You see, on average 80% of sales come after 5 or more attempts to contact a lead or enquiry.

However, and this is the scary part, nearly HALF of all businesses (48%) give up after just 1 attempt!


And there’s a good chance you may be one of them − it’s nearly HALF of all businesses remember.

So please don’t be naïve.

The key to getting results from any of your marketing will all depend on your FOLLOW UP.

It’s critically important.

Your leads will need Follow Up before they buy!

The key to your whole campaign will be your Follow Up.

Have a look, talk to your team. Look at call stats. Look at what emails (if any) go out to enquiries after you’ve tried contacting them. Are you doing enough?

Whatever you need to do to find out how much Follow Up you send, do it today because there’s a really strong chance there’s room for more.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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