How many links should you include in your email marketing campaigns?
4th June 2024
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During a recent conversation about email marketing with a business owner, a question arose that reminded us of something that can dramatically change the levels of enquiries and sales.

They wanted more people to take action from their email campaign because their click-through rates were very poor.

The email in question only had one link that allowed people to click through – and that link was very easy to miss too.

Now, of course, you do need to add a link. But research* tells us, that one is not enough -you should add at least four of them.

You can definitely add more but we wouldn’t recommend any less.

So why four?

The truth is that people are unique, they won’t all click for the same reasons.

By including more links (at different points in the email) you increase your chances of ‘catching’ as many people as you can.

Let’s look at this example:


Each link is appealing to a different type of person and to a different reason why they might click.

Link 1: Some people like to have a big image to click on, so we give them the chance early on in the email.

Link 2: ‘Go here and get it now’ We’re being direct, telling them exactly what to do.

Link 3: ‘83% discount’ This appeals to the people who are interested in the great discount and savings available to them.

Link 4: ‘24 hours’ This link is appealing to those who are more deadline driven.

Links 5, 6, 7 & 8: These are all bullet points of what the recipient will discover if they invest in this product. We don’t know which point they’ll find most appealing and so we make sure we link them all.

Link 9: ‘Get it here now’ Again, we’re being direct – this time at the end of the email to pick up anybody who read through the content and needs to be told what to do next (people like to be told what to do).

Link 10: ‘Click Here to grab your xxxxxxx product’ This link is in the P.S. of the email to pick up the people who just skip straight to the end of the email (there’s LOTS of people who do this!).

Obviously, you don’t need 10 clicks in every email you send…

…but as a rule of thumb: More Links = More Clicks

(*HubSpot 2020)

We’re happy to help if you’re thinking of getting an email together like this to send out to your customers and you’d like us to review it – Just give us a call.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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