How to avoid self sabotage in your Eastbourne Business
1st November 2022
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I couldn’t believe this story when I heard it.

It happened to one of our colleagues within thebestof and we just had to share it with you, so you can make sure it doesn’t happen to you.

He was out with his partner and daughter for a Sunday Roast dinner, after hearing good reports from a friend. He trusted his friend’s judgement, so didn’t feel like he needed to look at the full website (which is important for later on in this story) - so just found the number on Google, rang up and booked a table.  

They went and arrived to a virtually deserted restaurant – at lunchtime on a Sunday! Prime time for Sunday Roasts. “A bit odd”, he thought.

Thankfully, everything was pleasant, the drinks came quickly and the food was delicious, great value and worthy of an Instagram post.

As they were tucking in, 3 separate groups of people arrived within 15-20 mins of each other.

They were approached by the front of house staff and were shown to a table.

Then the reason for this weeks’ Tip arose.

When each table was presented with a menu, they were told – “This is our Sunday menu and has a different range of options to our normal menu”.

This basically meant you can have a Sunday roast or 2 other options – Mac & Cheese or a burger.

Each table said pretty much the same thing when told this…

“But this isn’t what it says on your website. There’s no mention of Sunday Roasts anywhere on it – just the full menu - and we came here for something different to a roast.”

What’s worse, is the reply they got from the staff member was – “Oh yeah. We’ve been meaning to update that for ages now.”

All 3 groups promptly got up and left.

Hundreds of £’s of revenue just walked out the door – all because the staff hadn’t been bothered to update their website!

No wonder the place was quiet.

Anyone going there expecting the menu publicised on the website, is disappointed and leaves.

And anyone who is looking for a Sunday Roast won’t go there - because there’s no mention of it anywhere on the website either!

And this happened just 2 days ago!

This stuff. This self-sabotage - is happening right now.

And it can be avoided so easily.

It couldn’t be happening in your business, could it?

Is your website fully up-to-date with every product or service that you offer? Or is there missing information that could be stopping you from increasing revenue and profits?

If you’d like a fresh look at your business from an external point of view and get honest feedback on how you actually come across through your customers’ eyes, we can help. Just give us a call on 01323 406060.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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