How To Maximise Your Time When Creating Copy
7th September 2021
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Whether you’ve been in business for a week, a year, a decade or even more, at some point, you would’ve come to that moment (or soon will), where you’re ready to write that amazing sales letter, super engaging email, or even the copy for your website and you stare at that blank white page aaaannnd…
You just don’t know where to start.
Well we’ve come across a tool that’s being used by some of the best marketers in the country (because it's just so handy!).
They literally use it every single day, 
And it's saved them countless hours of time, effort and man-hours. I am talking about... 

Rev is an amazing app that transcribes audio or video into first draft text for you at a paltry $1.25 p/minute! 
Why am I suggesting it for you? 
Well when you talk, you are more conversational, more natural, more human.
And you do it faster than if you were typing.
So not only does it save you a heap of time, it also makes your copy more real and genuine.
You say what you want to say, send it off to Rev and within a couple of hours or so, you ‘ll get a transcript back all typed up and you now have a strong first draft that you can tweak and get right rather than a blank sheet of paper.
This also means you have that time (whilst Rev are typing up your audio) to go work on something else! 
It’s been used to turn voice recordings into emails, sales letters, blogs or even newsletter articles 
You can even use it to create captions for videos so that people can understand what’s being said without turning the volume on (a MUST nowadays!) 
That's right... more and more of the best performing and most engaging articles, sales letter and emails started life as a voice recording. 
So, the next time you need to write something and can't face the blank piece of paper... but want to make it sound like you’ve actually written it rather than a corporate robot - give a try! 

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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