How to win more customers In Eastbourne with Neighbour Cards
30th May 2023
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If your business visits someone's home or office... then you should be using ‘Neighbourhood Cards!’
They're a super simple, cheap and an effective way to get your business in front of your prospects (with pretty much no effort!).
Whenever you’re doing a job/project at a home, office or venue, just take a postcard or A5 sized piece of print.
Drop them nearby to let people know you’re close by doing some great work and if they are in need or, thinking of getting some similar work doing, then you’re now front of mind to call and enquire.
The best way to hand out your cards is with a '5 either side and 10 opposite' approach.
So, once you've completed your job (each and every job - no exceptions!) you simply drop in one of your Neighbourhood Cards to each premise or home...'s that simple.
The image below shows the property you’re working in with a yellow dot.
You would drop these neighbour cards where the blue dots are shown –
5 houses to the left, 
5 to the right 
and 10 on the other side of the road (or as close to those numbers as you can depending on the location/street/industrial estate layout – if you can do one or two more if they’re close by like the example above then even better!
Sometimes you may be able to physically hand the card to someone... great! 
Start the conversation and explain why you're doing that and what sort of services you provide.
But, if you can't, don't worry!
Just wait for the person to require the service you're offering; as now they’ve got your card, they’re more likely to give you a call rather than a competitor - magic!
Remember: The job’s not complete until the cards have been dropped!

Do you know a great local printer that might be able to help with printing this sort of thing? Please recommend them to us via thebestof Eastbourne.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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