Igniting Curiosity: The Key to Successful Marketing
15th December 2020
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As humans, we’re naturally curious from birth. And questions come from curiosity. Similarly, when it comes to business - Enquiries come from curiosity. 
The sad news, however, is instead of building curiosity, most small business’ marketing pieces do the opposite. 
They try to answer as many questions as possible.
Don’t do this!
In business, your goal is to get people’s attention, maintain it, and engage with them. Curiosity can help you accomplish those goals.
So, instead of bombarding your prospective clients with every single piece of information, your marketing should seek to ignite their curiosity. 
By creating curiosity, you're teasing your reader with a hint of what's to come, without giving ALL the answers away.
It can be used to compel people to click on a blog post they see on Twitter, an ad on Facebook, or a marketing email in their inbox.
The key to this is in the headline or subject line (which we covered back in Top Tip Tuesday #7). It has to be compelling but also not give everything away as that’s what triggers the curiosity – they need to read the content or click to find out the answer or details.
It should inspire them to feel they need to call you, email or even visit you.
So have a look at your emails, adverts, or Facebook ads. Do you ignite people’s curiosity?
Or do you give it all away in the headline or overwhelm them with information?
And if you’d like some help in creating curiosity for your target audience, just give us a call!

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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