Improve Your Response Time with Response iQ
4th July 2023
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We’ve got a proper golden nugget for you this week!
In previous Top Tip Tuesdays, we’ve spoken about the importance of not only answering calls, but also the importance of getting back to enquiries quickly.
Well, there’s now a tool that can help you master getting back to people quickly with very little effort required to implement (it can be set up in less time than it takes to have your lunch!).
It’s called Response iQ and it sits on your website or sales page and It lets people request an instant call-back (in 27 seconds!)
It works by triggering a call to you or your salesperson as soon as someone requests an instant call back. When you answer, it connects you through to the person who requested the call.
Pretty clever eh!
You’ll know it’s a “Response iQ” call request because it can show up on your phone display (if you have one) e.g. “NEW LEAD – RESPONSE IQ” and/or when you answer the phone you’ll hear a pre-recorded voice telling you:
“You have a new lead, press 1 to be connected”.
At that point, press 1 on the phone and it’ll automatically dial the person who has requested the call back.
One of two things will then happen:
1: They don’t answer - so you leave a voicemail letting them know you’ve called back within 27 seconds as requested and leave your number for them to call you back.
2: They answer and you can let them know who you are and where you’re calling from and say you’re calling back within 27 seconds as requested.
(pause for their inevitably amazed reaction that you’re so fast to respond)
And then ask them how you can help and what questions they have and take it from there.
You can find out more at They offer a free trial so you can try it and see the value of making sure you always speak to the people that want to speak to you in less than 30 seconds! 

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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