Is your marketing in Eastbourne "Cursed With Knowledge"
1st August 2023
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Your customers don’t know as much about your product or service as you do.

Now, that’s probably not too big of a surprise to you or to any other business owner.

However, something that happens far too often in both small and big businesses alike, is that when designing a website, or writing emails, sales letters, or creating any form of marketing for that matter, businesses just overload their copy with loads of details and specifications about the “thing” they’re trying to promote.

But the thing is, the massive majority of normal people (your potential customers) don’t care about that yet.

What they care about is that you understand their pain, frustrations and needs and that your “thing” could be the solution to that.

So tell them that’s the case.

Then you can go into a bit more detail once the conversation has progressed a little.

But right now, have a look at your marketing, your websites, your ads.

Do you come across as understanding and addressing your customers’ needs and pains?

Or are you just talking about what your product or service is, with no relation to how it helps them?


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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