Learn How to Improve Your Business Game: A Golf Analogy
26th September 2023
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If you’re like me, you’ll either enjoy playing golf or know someone who does, and it occurred to me that golf is a really good analogy for business.

You see, lots of people play golf, but only a small percentage enjoy any real success and that’s the same in business. And the reason why most don’t succeed in golf and also don’t succeed in business is very similar. It’s because they don’t put in the time or the effort into learning!

Anyone can “turn up”, hit a ball and “have a go”, but it’s the little techniques, the small details, that dramatically impact the results. It’s the little nuances in business – things like Facebook Ads, flyers, websites and more. People “have a little go” at Facebook Ads for example or do 1 flyer and think “It doesn’t work for me”. But no! It’s because there hasn’t been any training. The techniques to do things properly haven’t been taught and therefore you’re missing out.

Just like teeing off or getting out of a bunker. It can be really difficult unless you learn how to do it. Equipping your “bag” with the right gear is easy but you have to learn how to use these “tools” to properly to see a difference. 

So our Top Tip this week is make a commitment to learning. All of our most successful businesses withinEastbournewould admit that their success has come off the back of learning things and adapting and implementing them into their business. Making time to learn is key to moving things forward over the next 12 months and beyond.

And it’s that commitment to learning that is a common thread to every super-successful golfer. Tiger Woods and Rory Mcilroy have been asked why they have a coach and it’s because “I can’t see what’s happening on my backswing”, and it’s the same thing in business. We need input and guidance into the things we can’t see or need help with.

So 2 things for you to think about today…

  1. When are putting time aside this week to learn something new that will improve your business “game” to bring in better results?
  2. Who is coaching and guiding you through? That’s what we’re here for at thebestof Eastbourne - so reach out to us and we’ll help in any way we can.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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