Low Cost Mass Mail Marketing System - YAMM
14th May 2024
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As business owners wanting to grow, we all know how important our database of prospects and customers is. But sometimes getting a CRM system that allows you to send mass emails that look personal and has tracking etc can feel overwhelming and costly.

Well, this week’s tip is all about a tool that is very low-cost and relatively easy to get set up, send out and track.

It’s called Yet Another Mail Merge, or YAMM.

YAMM is a Gmail-based email marketing solution that helps businesses send mass emails and track open rates, replies, clicks, and bounces from a centralised platform.

One of the key selling points is that you can send an email that looks like it’s come personally from you (rather than a system or service email address) and you can insert recipients’ names, but send it to multiple people – all thanks to the personalisation tools built in.

Imagine the time saved not having to manually amend recipients’ names and email addresses for a message that needs to go to a large list.

It’s great for when you need to send a timely message to your customers or maybe an offer to your prospects.

And once it’s sent, the tracking that’s available with YAMM will allow you to see who’s opened it and who hasn’t, allowing you to follow up in the right way with the right people.

You’ll also be able to access multiple built-in templates, add personalisation and insert unsubscribe links which will help you clear up your database by removing people who no longer need or want your “thing”.

So check it out yamm.com, and see how you can use it to help with your communications.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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