Marketing tools to help you better understand your audience
30th August 2022
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We can all agree – customers are the lifeblood of all our businesses.

Without them, we wouldn’t have one.

It’s essential, therefore, to understand what they think about us, our staff, our products, our service and their overall experience.

Because only then can we know what to do next with our businesses to make things even better for them.

But how do we know what they’re thinking?

Because asking them face-2-face will, in most cases, give you an un-honest answer. Most customers will just want to be polite and avoid hurting your feelings – just like at a restaurant when there’s something not quite right and the waiting staff ask “How is everything?” – most people just go “Fine thanks”, when in truth they aren’t 100% happy.

There’s a super easy tool you can use, that will help you turn honest feedback into positive action.

SurveyMonkey is a survey platform that makes it easy to measure and understand feedback so that you can drive growth and innovation.

You can connect with people via email, your website, social media and more.

What makes it even easier is that loads of pre-written templates allow you to create surveys, polls or quizzes in minutes!

You can question customer satisfaction, conduct market research, get employee evaluations, or even obtain a Net Promoter Score (NPS) for your business.

Check this link out for the 10 best practices for creating effective surveys:

Give it a try and see what things you could do to make your business even better.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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