Mastering Sales: The Art of Effective Follow-Up for Business Success
27th February 2024
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We all know what it’s like.

All our businesses would be in a much better place if every customer who enquired about our “thing”, just decided to buy from us on the very first interaction.

Unfortunately, reality isn’t like that.

And it became all too apparent with a business we know in a recent discussion.

When asked, how things had been going with some marketing campaigns they had launched, they deemed it a failure.

“How so?” they were asked.

“We’re not getting many sales off it.” Was the reply.

When we looked a little deeper, it turns out the campaign was very successful because it had generated a big increase in leads and enquiries. So the marketing was a success.

It was the selling that was letting them down.

The business owner had decided that he would contact the leads to discuss their needs. And a lot of the time he would get no answer on the phone and would leave a message.

And that’s it!

Therein lies the problem.

He had given up after just one attempt.

It's incredibly rare that a lead responds to a first outreach attempt. This means following up … and following up on your follow-ups.

On average, it can take around 8 attempts before people decide to buy.

Now some industries will be less and some may be more, but if you give up after one attempt, like our good friend in our example, you’ll never know.

You’ll just be wasting all the effort you put into any marketing you do.

Mixing up the type of follow-up can help too. Calls, emails, texts, WhatsApps are just some of the different ways you can try to get a response.

So have a look at your follow-up. How many times are you making contact?

And if you’d like some help with the structure of your follow-up, just give us a call.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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