Maximising SME Success in 2024: Beyond Targets to Lifestyle Goals
2nd January 2024
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So how was 2023 for you? Better than planned? Or maybe you didn’t quite hit the targets you wanted?

However it turned out, it’s done.

2024 has started - so have you planned out what you want the next 12 months to bring you?

If not, you need to do so – but do it properly!

You see, the way the most successful SME’s around the UK plan, is slightly different to how most people would plan.

Most business owners just pick a number out of the sky and use that as a target e.g. “We want our business to grow by 10%/20%” etc, without any real thought as to how they came up with that number.

What the most successful business owners do, is look at what their ideal lifestyle by the end of this year would be like, cost it out, and then use the business to produce the necessary funds.

And isn’t that really why we started our own business? – to have control as to what we earn and create an ideal lifestyle.

None of us went into business to just “get by”.

So have a look at your lifestyle and where it is right now. And then look at where you want it to be in 12 months’ time.

Do you want a better house?

A new car?

Private school for the kids?

More or better holidays?

Private Health care?

Housekeeper or Gardener?


Do more of the things you enjoy e.g. play more golf, more days out with the family etc?

Once you’ve worked out what these cost, either per month or annually, you can then look at your profit percentage and work that into your turnover-needed number.

You can then work out how many customers or transactions are needed to generate that turnover.

When you get real clarity on what you need your business to generate to give you your ideal lifestyle, your planning for generating that income into your business becomes a lot more straightforward.

If you’d like to see how this could work for you then give us a call on 01323 406060.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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