Maximizing Profit with Minimal Effort: The 'Just Sell More' Strategy
21st March 2023
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We’re back with our weekly business growth tips and this week, we’ve got an effective (but super simple!) way to make more sales and more profit with almost zero work. 
It's a strategy we're calling: 
Just Sell More! 
Here's the thing, in most businesses, when you sell a product (or even a service) there's a percentage of people who will just buy more of it - IF you give them the chance. 
Let me explain with an example: 
We know of a business that sells a special paint for houses, online. 
They made one small change to their checkout process... 
...they just let people buy more! 
When someone goes to checkout, they get a message offering them the chance to buy another pot of paint and add it to their order. That's it. No special offer, no crazy discount, no complex system. 
They just let people buy more if they want to. 
IMPORTANT: just because this strategy is incredibly simple, do not disregard it. It is devastatingly effective and added a whopping 41% of profit to this business. Just by giving people the chance to add more of the same thing they were buying anyway. 
It works because we KNOW these people are interested in what we're offering - because they're already buying it! 
And the best news? There is NO downside! 
The worst thing that happens is the person says "No Thanks" and just buys the original quantity they wanted.

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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