Pick Up the Phone: The Power of Personal Connection
22nd December 2020
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Technology isn’t the answer to everything… just have a conversation. 
Now, it’s true that here at thebestof we send a lot of emails. And texts. But we also make a lot of phone calls.
A significant percentage of the sales that we make are to people that we actually speak to. Shock, horror!
Nothing beats speaking to a potential customer.

When you talk with them you can understand what they're looking for so much better.

You can listen.

You can start to build a relationship.

You can even share some humour.

But most importantly, you can sell.
Without the phone, none of this happens.
Come on, be honest, when was the last time you got called by a business that you'd enquired about in some way?
It happens very rarely.
Your competitors aren't doing it.
To be clear, I'm not talking about cold calling or hard selling.
Just about following up with people that have shown an interest in you, in some way.
Ringing them up to find out how you can help them.
We’ve spoken in the past about ‘The Golden 10 Minutes.’ What we’ve found is that if you phoned someone who'd filled in an enquiry form online within 10 minutes of that form being submitted, then the conversion rate went through the roof!
People are so surprised to get a call and, of course, when you ring them within 10 minutes they remember exactly who you are and what it was that they were enquiring about. 
They also think that you care and that you're a well-run organisation - two things that can only help any sales conversation.
Ringing them up next Tuesday doesn't have anything like the same impact.
So, the most important thing is to actually pick up the phone and use it.
And the second most important thing is to use it at the right time - which invariably means as soon as possible after the customer has shown some interest.
Remember, they are NOT sales calls. You’re just ringing them up to help them. Get clear on what they want. Be friendly. And helpful. That’s all. People love that.
As you’re reading this, you're sat on a bunch of leads who have enquired in recent days or weeks but who have not yet bought. In a lot of those cases the only reason they haven't bought is because they haven't yet got round to it [honestly that is the reason - they're busy, same as everyone else] and a quick phone call from you could make all the difference.
So, put down that cuppa and go and get a list of those prospects. 
And then ring them up.

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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