Revive Lost Customers: A Strategy for Eastbourne Business Owners
18th July 2023
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This week’s Top Tip Tuesday is all about a special group of customers within your business.

We all know how hard it can be to go out and try and get new people to discover you and enquire with you, let alone buy from you.

But there is a group of people that you don’t need to educate about your services or products – because they’ve already bought from you.

I’m talking about Lost Customers.

Every business has them.

The people that have been a customer before but aren’t anymore. In some cases it’ll be people that cancelled their subscription or membership. For others, it’ll be people that haven’t been in and bought anything for several months or more.

And for most businesses, it’s a group that gets forgotten about as we’re too focussed on getting the new customers.

So our Tip is to look at your database, pull out those who’ve not been in for a while or cancelled a little while ago, and entice them back.

And the good news is, it’s relatively straightforward to do.

If you have their postal address then that’s best but an email and mobile number will also do. You can send them a letter just letting them know that you “Miss Them” and talk about all the things you’ve done over the last year or two that have improved your business. You may have taken on new staff, moved premises, increased product lines/improved menus, been featured in local papers/magazines, maybe even been nominated for or won awards.

Just have a think of what your business was like 12-24 months ago and what’s new/changed now and write about it.

The great thing as-well is that these people know you, they trust you, they understand how good you are at what you do but they just haven’t bought again recently.

Send something to them, with an offer and a deadline (we’ve got some past “Top Tip Tuesdays” to help with those), and some of them will come back to you.

PS – If you’d like some help putting something together, then give us a call on 01323 406060


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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