Revive Lost Leads with Come Back Cards: A Low-Cost Miracle
16th March 2021
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Do you remember the UB40 classic “Baby Come Back”?

Well, it’s the inspiration behind this week’s Tip which could also work wonders for you and your business.

A kitchen doors and worktop fitting business we know of, has just smashed all sorts of targets this month, moving their business to the next level.

Lockdown has worked wonders for their business as it forced them to tick lots off their to-do list that otherwise, wouldn't have been done.

But there is ONE THING that they say has been the biggest contributor to their success over the last few months:  

They’re called Come Back Cards.

Put simply, they’re a simple card (standard postcard size) that gets sent to any prospects that have enquired but never bought.

It has a nice short message letting the customer know they’re still available to talk to and answer any questions they may have.

A nice little incentive is also added to entice them to re-engage.

It worked brilliantly!

Over the last 12 months it’s generated approximately £46,500 worth of business from this so it was absolutely worth doing. It only cost around £300 in postage!

Now, I don’t know anyone that would turn down a £46,500 return from just £300 spend.

People have busy lives and lots going on – especially over the last year. So it’s so important to note that – It’s not your customer’s job to remember to do business with you. It’s your job to remind them.

If you’d like some help coming up with some “Come Back To Us” cards then give us a shout.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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