Revolutionising Business Communication: How Slack Can Help
21st November 2023
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It might not come as a surprise to you, but one of the biggest challenges local businesses have is the communication within their organisation. Whether it be the time it takes for messages and actions to get through or the not knowing when or how previous messages or instructions were sent e.g. “Was it email, text, phone call?” - it can be hard to keep track.
Thankfully, over just the last couple of years or so, one tool that can help combat such frustrations for businesses has seen massive growth in popularity.
Slack has emerged as a powerful tool that is transforming the way small businesses work. It's a game-changer, especially for the UK's dynamic entrepreneurial landscape. 
It’s sole purpose is to help you get conversations and actions on projects/topics, organised and get the workflow automated.
Here's an overview of how Slack can boost productivity and encourage seamless collaboration.
Unified Communications: Instead of switching between emails, phone calls, or text messages, everything comes together on Slack. Direct messages, voice or video calls, file sharing, or group discussions are all achievable within this platform. 
Organised Conversations: Channels on Slack provide organised spaces to have conversations about specific topics or projects. You can build different channels for different departments or projects, keeping all related communication neatly compiled in one location. 
Collaboration with External Partners: You can invite customers, vendors, or partners to communicate on shared channels. This co-working approach opens the path for better collaboration and quicker problem-solving. 
Integration with Other Tools: Slack integrates seamlessly with many apps like Google Drive, Trello and Dropbox. You can receive notifications from these apps directly in Slack which allows small businesses to streamline their operations.
Track and Search Content: With Slack, you don't have to worry about keeping track of all those key bits of information. It keeps a record of all your conversations and shared files, making it easier to find information when needed.
Built for Mobile: Slack’s mobile version means you're never out of the loop, enabling real-time communication even when business owners and their teams are out and about.
Workflow Automation: Slack's Workflow Builder, can help automate routine actions and processes, helping reduce time on repetitive tasks, enabling you to focus on value-adding activities.
In short, Slack acts as a virtual office that helps small businesses stay organised, manage tasks, and communicate effectively. This versatile tool can be tailored to enhance team productivity and help your business to perform more efficiently. 
So check out Slack for yourself and see how it could help you.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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