The Benefits of Live Chat for Better Customer Experience
27th August 2019
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Responding faster to a lead or a potential customer is going to make a better customer experience.

It can actually be the difference maker when it comes to converting a customer.

But how do you do it?

When first launched (several years ago), live-chat software was slow and impersonal.

Now though, it’s become the exact opposite.

Gone are the days of customers sitting, waiting for help, only to receive an impersonal message asking them to call the business or visit their FAQs.

Thankfully, live chat systems have been through a huge shift.

It’s actually becoming one of the best ways to nurture customers and drive sales fast.

Nobody appreciates waiting on hold for 15 minutes or sitting by their email to get a response days later.

And you don’t want to risk losing conversions with those outdated methods of operation, either.

Responding faster is guaranteed to provide a better user experience and it will likely lead to increases in conversions.

Today’s consumers expect instant responses.

Live Chat helps you respond with bots even when you’re in an appointment or out on a job.

Live chat could be one of the best tools you implement on your website today.

Here are four reasons why you should consider live chat.

1. Responding faster = more leads

There are tons of other businesses out there doing the same thing you’re doing, so why are customers going to wait half an hour for you to respond?

Many simply won’t. They’ll bounce back to Google and click the next ranking company.

2. Help people even when you’re not there

One word: “bots”. This is where you can customise responses (bots) based on common questions, or simply respond with an automated bot that can assist.

3. Overcome objections instantly

If someone has that burning question that is more complex than an FAQ page can answer and it isn’t answered quickly, they’re going elsewhere.

4. Live chat can save you money

While most live chat services aren’t free, investing in them could reduce overall costs. This is because many customers and website visitors would prefer to use a live chat facility rather than speaking directly on the phone. At the same time, live chat can reduce the number of staff needed to deal with customer enquiries as they can take care of several customers at once and use prewritten ‘canned responses’ to respond to frequently asked questions.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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