The Power of Positive Influences: Surrounding Yourself with Success
10th December 2019
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You know how your Mum always told you how important it is to have good influences? 
To spend time with the good crowd, the people who can benefit you?
Once again, your Mum was right—both then and now. 
Who you spend time with matters – a lot. 
In a world that is changing so fast, spending time with big thinkers, successful and positive people, who energise and inspire you, will have a positive impact on you.  Talking with, and learning from people who you want to emulate will make your own success sooooo much more likely.  These people will reinforce your ability to achieve your goals. They’ll build you up and even help you along your path. They’ll help you believe that anything is possible. 
The thing about positive and successful people is that they understand that sometimes mistakes get made and failure happens. But they don’t make you feel like a failure for falling down. They motivate you and inspire you to get back up and do better.
Be sure to learn as much as you can from the winners. Successful people who’ve been there and done that are excellent mentors. They’ll show you in their actions what to do. If they trust you, they’ll confide in you what not to do based on their past mistakes. 
Not only do they have an attitude and experiences that can help you, but they may also have a network that can grow your bottom line.
Learn as much as you can from them.
We have quite a few with us at thebestof Eastbourne. If you’d like to become part of this amazing group of fellow business owners and learn how they’ve made real progress with their businesses, then give us a call on 01323 406060.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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