The Power of Putting Your Customers First in Your Marketing Messages
9th March 2021
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This weeks Top Tip Tuesday is not what you’re thinking!
It’s a test we do every time we put out content. And you should too. 
You see, your marketing messages shouldn’t be all about you. They should be about your customer. 
Too often we all fall into the “We’re so amazing, we’ve won this, we’ve done that, I won £10 in a beauty contest, I had spaghetti for dinner” trap and forget that the important people here are our customers. Don’t worry, it’s normal, it’s in our DNA and there’s a simple solution…
Think about: 
What your customers want to read? 
What do they want to see? 
How can you put them at the centre of your messaging? 
How can you make them feel special? 
What can your product/service help them achieve? 
It’s actually quite easy to take what you’ve written and flip it… 
You should have a ratio of at least 3x as many ‘you’ and ‘yours’ as ‘we, us, I and ours’. 
When you take on board The We(e) test, you’re forced to write your copy from the customers perspective – with their needs in mind and it’ll make your writing a lot more compelling. 
So, give it a go… Take a look at your latest email campaign, your website or printed collateral and make sure you’re not all ‘we’ and try to be more ‘you’. 
And if you’d like some help coming up with a topic to write about to send out to your audience (and making sure it’s all about them, not you), then give us a call.

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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