The Power of Your Business Card: Make It Count!
7th January 2020
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We know all too well that a lot of things have changed in business over the years and that’s why you need to be more innovative, more streamlined and smarter than your competitors. But the basic rules of business never change. Perception is still everything.

And if you want to be perceived as a leader, a winner, a person to do business with, then your business card has to be very convincing. Your business card is possibly your most prolific print marketing piece.

Does yours demand attention?

Or does it cause you to be forgotten?

Or worse?

All the virtual/web interaction in the world will never truly replace one-to-one calls or face-to-face meetings with your potential customers.

Business cards still matter.

And with tight competition and all of the challenges facing small businesses today, your business card matters more than ever. You must seize every advantage!

Think about it. What sort of impression do you get from others’ business cards? Cheap and flimsy cards make their carriers look unprofessional and amateur.

“Are these guys serious?” you wonder on some sub-conscious level.

Your business card helps - or hurts - as you sell. If it looks amateurish, you’ll need to work a lot harder to be taken seriously. That’s the last thing you need amidst these changes.

You need to get your cards designed and produced by professionals. It’s a lot cheaper than you think and when done properly can make even the smallest businesses look like a major player.

Is producing quality cards an expense? Yes. But it’s much less costly than a bad impression. And don’t skimp on printing costs. It’s amazing how many companies will spend the money to have very nice business cards produced, only to use the cheapest, lowest-quality printing. The card is ruined. Don’t make this mistake!

Your card has to say something. It should scream, “Pay attention! I’m better than everybody else. You need to do business with me!”

Must-haves for your card

Too many companies don’t think about how to use their cards as they do business. Think about it and you’ll see that yours must include:

Functionality - What are people thinking when they produce cards you can’t contact them with. Phone number, email and website are a must.

Your message - A hard-hitting tagline that speaks to your audience and differentiates you is essential. Your card has to say who you are and your USP!

Corporate email and URL - You need a grown up email address and domain name. Not Yahoo!, not Gmail. A real honest to goodness domain name for your business.

Social media - Your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are essential, and maybe even your blog URL. Send the message that you’re an active participant in how business is getting done today.

Business cards can be a powerful tool, or a liability. Which one is yours?


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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