The way you make me feel with your marketing in Eastbourne
4th October 2022
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This week’s tip mixes a real-life story with some inspiring words from Michael Jackson. Recently, a business we know, realised there was a flaw in their marketing.

This particular business helps people with their digital marketing (Google ads and Facebook ads mainly) and are very good at what they do.

A lot of their marketing and follow up conversations centre around how the ads work, how they get setup and what happens in the background to produce the results.

And if we’re honest with ourselves, we’ve probably done the same at some point.

They quickly realised the key point of this week’s tip, and that is - Not everyone wants to know how things work and how to do it themselves. There are plenty of customers, quite smart ones, in fact, that just want it doing for them.

And it was hearing the song “The Way You Make Me Feel” by Michael Jackson that made us realise that this business (and many others) are not thinking properly about how to make their marketing show their prospects how they could feel if they bought their products or services.

You see different people have different perspectives. Different people have different focuses and different people have different skills.

There are things that we all want but have no interest in knowing how it’s built, produced or planned.

We just want it here.

Some of your customers feel exactly the same, because not all of them want to learn how it happens or what the process is.

They just want it done for them.

And this business’s marketing going forward, will now be about, "Hey, look, we can just DO this for you, don't worry about the detail. We can make it happen for you, just like that!"

So have a look at your marketing.

Are the messages all about the features rather than being benefit led?

Write as if you were in their shoes.

Have a think and if you want us to help you see things from an external point of view, then give us a shout.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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