Using calls to action in your local marketing in Eastbourne
12th July 2022
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For this week’s tip, we want to talk about your website.

Over the years we’ve seen some great websites (and some not-so-great websites.)

But even the best-looking ones can often miss the thing that converts visitors into enquiries and sales.

It’s a “Call to Action”.

You see, you can tell people everything they need to know and could have the most engaging video and copy - but if you’re not telling people what you want them to do next, your conversions are going to suffer.

You can’t rely on every visitor finding your phone number or email and making contact with you, hoping that you’ll answer the phone or reply to the email quickly.

You need to help them make the first step. 

Offer a “Request to call back”

Or “Book a call”

Or “Download our brochure”

Or “View our shop”

There are several ways you can make it easy for your website visitors to do what you want them to do – just tell ‘em. Make it clear what the first step is.

Don’t do what most businesses do and assume they know what to do or think they’ll see your website and immediately be ready to buy from you.

Chances are they won’t be (yet!) – especially if you’re a service-based business.

They just want to know if you can help them and can have a conversation with you about their issues/problems/challenges that your service or product can help resolve.

So do you have any buttons that let people request a call or download a brochure, because the more chances you give people to take the first step, the more business you’ll do.

If you’d like some help with the sort of “Calls to Action” that can help your website, then just give us a call.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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