Video marketing in Eastbourne | Unlock the power of video!
28th June 2022
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Just a few days ago, we had a stark reminder of how powerful video is in marketing.

One of our colleagues was on Zoom call with a business owner who was frustrated.

He makes and sells high-end protective cases for professional musicians for their instruments.

They’re a high-end purchase – well into the thousands of £’s.

Virtually all his business comes through his website – and all was well. He was getting sales and making good money but wanted to move the business to the next level.

So he decided his website could do with a refresh.

His new website was created and put live – and….


Sales dropped off.

Enquiries were minimal.

And he couldn’t understand why.

He thought that his bright, shiny, new website would bring his business a new lease of life.

But it did the opposite.

And when he showed the old website and compared it with the new one, there was a massive part missing off the new home page.

You’ve guessed it – it was a video.

He had one on his old website - It was really well done and made people feel compelled to get in touch and enquire about placing an order.

His new website had nothing like that. It was just a few images and some basic info about the case and materials used.

No personality, soul or credibility – which is everything his video on his old website had.

You see, people haven’t got the time or can’t be bothered to read loads and loads of long copy.

They just want to watch.

With YouTube now being the second largest search engine in the world, just after Google, the age of the video is here and here to stay.

If you’re not using video in your marketing – then maybe this will make you think about the difference it could make to your business…

  • 62% of Consumers Say Watching Videos Makes Them Feel More Confident in Buying

This figure is only going to increase over time. Prospects like to see who they are buying from, what they are buying and what other people think of the service.

  • There is 88% More Time Spent on websites WITH Video than Without

We’d rather watch something and carry on instead of reading loads of sales copy.

  • 1 Billion Visitors Visit YouTube Every Month

YouTube is now the second largest search engine in the world after Google, and who owns YouTube?

Yep Google.

So, when you search anything on Google, it will also search YouTube.

  • 59% of Company Executives Say they Prefer Video to Text

Hey, company executives are human too (so I hear!) so they would follow the same behaviours of consumers. That’s why the numbers are around 60% for both.

They are even busier than the average consumer, so time is critical, hence the sway towards watching videos.

  • Landing Pages with Video Have up to 800% Higher Conversions – as our instrument case manufacturer friend can relate to!

Sometimes the long sales page still works, but videos have a much higher conversion rate for landing pages and squeeze pages.

You can get your message over in a far better way.

  • Videos are 53 x More Likely to Appear on the Front Page of Google

This is only if they are relevant and tagged correctly. You can also manually enter your subtitles or closed captions into YouTube for your video, which will help with SEO.

*above stats: Hubspot 2018

If that doesn’t show you how powerful and impactful video is to those businesses who use it then I’m not sure what will.

And the good news for those that can’t bear the thought of being in front of the camera(!), there are plenty of other options you can use to still get the video put together such as Animated, stop-motion, voice-over and more. Just give us a call and we can help get some video ideas together to help you grow your business.

 Below is an example of one of our videos. See, I didn't even need to show my face... although the more I use video the more comfortable I am on camera and you can be too!


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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