Video Marketing in Eastbourne just got easier!
19th July 2022
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Have you ever been talking about something and you suddenly lost your train of thought and are left thinking “What was I saying?”
It’s happened to us all.
It’s even worse when you’re on camera trying to get a video recorded for your business. Some people either give up due to frustration, (because they can’t keep the script flowing), or they are inhibited from doing it in the first place as they feel like they’ll mess the words up with lots of “ummmms” and “errs”.
But there’s good news for us all! 
There’s now an amazing new tool on the market that automatically removes the dreaded “umms” and long silences from your footage. Leaving you with a marvellous video that you can be proud of and that your customers will find more engaging.
It’s called Timebolt and can be found at
Now there really is no reason why you can’t create some video content for your business.
Go check it out!
And if you want some help with some ideas about the type of content for your video just give us a shout.
About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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