Why is personalisation important in Email Marketing?
13th August 2019
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We all know that emails are a quick, cheap way of communicating to our customers. But <<area_name>> business owners are finding it increasingly difficult to get their emails opened, let alone have any action taken from what’s in the main copy.

And no wonder – the average email open rate is just 18%!! *

But fear not, as we’ve got some email subject lines that could nearly double your open rate (and that’s just in the worst-case scenario!). And the reason for this? – They’re all, as you’ll see, personalised to the recipient

These subject lines have been tried and tested several times to hundreds of thousands of recipients and this is the list of the BEST subject lines that grab people’s attention and get emails opened.

IMPORTANT: for this article we’re classing BEST as the subject lines that generated the highest open rate (because that’s the subject lines job!).

REMEMBER: The average email open rate is just 18%... so let’s see how these compare:

Subject line #4:



Yep, that’s right – it’s just their name.

This subject line is great because it never fails to get attention and opens

– PLUS it’s so versatile you can use it for almost any email you’re sending – try it.

Subject line #3:

~Contact.FirstName~’s Envelope/Quote


It turns out, people are really interested in emails about them (who’d have thought!).

If you have a letter to send out, a PDF of a quote you want people to read – or anything to do with sending things specific to the customer – this subject line is golden.

Subject line #2:

~Contact.FirstName~, about yesterday…


There’s a pattern emerging here… and it’s got their name written all over it!

Once again, it’s using the recipient’s name in the subject line.

This subject line is great to use if people have missed a deadline, offer, event or appointment. This subject line (like all the best ones) looks like an email that could be from a friend and so gets opened (a lot!). 

Subject line #1:

The Best Performing Subject Line…

Have I upset you ~Contact.FirstName~?


An email open rate of 61% is unheard of nowadays (remember the average open rate is 18%!) but this subject line wins the award by ticking almost every box possible…

It was sent to people who haven’t responded to any other emails in a campaign, so it’s up against a tough audience!

If someone hasn’t taken action after 5 or 6 emails this email will be brought out as the ‘big guns!’

The email itself asks if they’re upset because they haven’t taken advantage of an amazing ‘thing’ that’s been offered etc.

What’s interesting is that this email not only gets a LOT of opens, but a tonne of responses and replies as well!

People reply apologising for not getting in touch sooner, making excuses for not clicking through, some get quite heartfelt! But it starts conversations with people that were otherwise ignoring you.

The subject line itself is personalised - so it grabs attention, AND plays on people’s basic human instincts of not wanting to upset people.

So, the next time people aren’t responding to your emails, whip out “Have I upset you ~Contact.FirstName~?” and just see what happens…  

So the big takeaway here is simple. Personalise your subject lines and your open rate will increase.

*Source: InfusionSoft CRM

Want to improve your email marketing? Book a call with thebestof Eastbourne using our online calendar and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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