Why Video is Essential for Every Eastbourne Business Owner
15th October 2024
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I still can’t believe how many business owners are not using video.

We’re not even talking about super sexy, immaculately produced and edited videos on a website. But the alarmingly low number who are using BombBomb or Loom or any other of the plethora of platforms that have emerged over the last couple of years, that make it super easy for you to send completely personal videos to your customers, your prospects, even your staff.

The thing about video is that it’s a medium that allows you to communicate on so many different levels. Energy, facial expressions, intonation and humour all easily manifest themselves on video, yet are notoriously difficult to pull off with the written word.

Add to this, the fact that video is about 10 times quicker to do (after all, you just talk!) - and I am genuinely surprised at the reluctance of entrepreneurs to try it and embrace it.

To help you see what a massive opportunity you could be missing, here’s a list of 10 times where video says it better than the written word:

1.      Responding to a lead. It personalises your business. Let a new lead see your warmth, your understanding and your commitment.

2.      Lead nurturing. The old “know, like and trust” is rapidly accelerated when they actually start to see you and get to know you. It’s genuine and authentic in a way that the written word never can be.

3.      Great to meet you. When you’ve met someone at an exhibition or a networking event  - a quick 30 seconds video email is a brilliant way to stand out and make an impression.

4.      Bad news or apology. Way easier to show your empathy and compassion are genuine and, after all, some things are much better when said face-to-face.

5.      Checking in. No better way to get back in front of your database and provide some value than with a short two-minute video.

6.      Internal communication. We use this a lot to make sure that the message gets across clearly and effectively with every team member – not just those  within the office at the time. It’s brilliant if you’ve got a workforce that’sspread over different locations as well.

7.      Happy Birthday. Again, it just means so much more when you send a personal video – yet it takes you less than minute.

8.      An invitation. Great way to show your genuine excitement and enthusiasm when they see your face.

9.      Process updates. The screen capture facility on most of these video platforms now makes it really easy for you to provide updates with clear, concise communication. There are businesses that have actually made this their entire business, yet there are hundreds of others not even dabbling.

10.  Thank you. Again, it’s authentic and genuine and no one and nothing bad ever happened whenyou showed gratitude. Properly.

Now, the important thing isn’t which platform you use, but that you do use it.

Trust me when I say, you will get better with time! Just take a look at one of my congratualtions videos on TikTok from a few years ago to one I shot after DigiFest last week! If I can do it so can you!

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

As the owner of thebestof Eastbourne, I use my marketing expertise to help local businesses get noticed and connect with the community to thrive.

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