Why you should be using deadlines in your marketing in Eastbourne
1st February 2022
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Things are getting better.

Restrictions are easing and more and more businesses are welcoming customers back.

So, now is as good as time as any to get some marketing and offers out there.

However, it still amazes us how many marketing campaigns and offers are being run by business right here in <<area>> - WITHOUT deadlines!

If you’re NOT using a deadline in your marketing, it’s pointless. You are effectively throwing money, sales and new customers down the toilet…

Here’s why:

Deadlines = Action

Human beings as a species are incredible.

They’re smart, civilised, intelligent.

Unfortunately for us, attention spans are reducing as distractions are becoming more and more prevelant and potential customers are looking for any excuse to NOT do what we as business owners and marketers want them to do!

That’s where deadlines come in.

We need to give people a reason to take action now.

Otherwise they slip into the mindset of “oh I’ll sort that later…”

Meanwhile, life keeps moving, more things pile onto the to-do list and your offer (that the person was genuinely interested in!) goes unclaimed.

You miss out on a sale and customer and THEY miss out on whatever amazing product or service you were selling, that would have genuinely helped them.

In the majority of cases, businesses sell more on the final day (deadline day) than the rest of the campaign combined!


Because of the deadline. Customers needed to make a decision – and they did!

So, the next time you run ANY marketing – make sure there’s a deadline in it!


Here’s some different types of deadlines you can swipe:

Limited to the First 18 People.

Before Monday 10th October.

10 Days from Now.

Only 13 Remaining.


If you’d like some help getting offers and deadlines into your marketing to generate more sales for your business, just give us call.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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