Why Your Logo Isn't as Important as You Think for Your Business Marketing
11th February 2020
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Remember back when you first started your business? If it wasn’t on your very first day, I bet it was pretty soon after, that you spent a fair amount of time, (probably too much time), creating your company’s logo. It’s the very first thing most other entrepreneurs do too when they make the decision to start their own business. And most take great pride in creating it.


SPOILER ALERT: nobody cares about your logo!

You never hear people say: “Well I’d decided not to buy... but then, when I saw their logo I was sold!”

What’s important to your potential customers is what you can do for them. What are the benefits YOU bring to their lives? (CLUE: your logo is not one of them)

I’m sure we can all agree that’s true - so with that in mind... do NOT make your logo a key piece of your businesses marketing. In most cases, sticking a logo at the top of a letter, on the outside of an envelope, on a Facebook Ad image... will DETRACT from the marketing itself and in most instances actively put your prospects off what’s inside. A logo on an envelope reads as “this letter is from a business and therefore not important” – (unless it’s the HMRC logo: Never ignore those ones!).

Now, we’re not saying don’t bother getting a logo created or make minimal effort with it. Just use it in the right places and the right amount. For example, a logo at the top of a sales letter wastes valuable real estate that should be spent on an eye-catching, attention-grabbing headline. Put it in the footer instead.

The moral of the story: your business’ logo is NOT as important as you think.

Focus on the stuff that matters for your customers.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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