Your marketing is for your customers NOT YOU!
22nd February 2022
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When a poorly written email lands in my inbox, I usually do what we all do and make that instant decision to delete it and move on.

However, an email that we saw a little while back has inspired this week’s tip so you can make sure you don’t make the same awful mistake…

It starts with the subject line of…

Medical Recruitment Experts 

Totally uninspiring.

Totally uncompelling.

Ironically, the overwhelming dullness intrigues me, because as a marketer I just can’t help it sometimes.

We can only assume that the sender has a list with us on it.

Not a very targeted list obviously.

You see, as a company who helps businesses get found and get noticed, we have no need for the employment of a doctor, dentist or any other medical professional and therefore no need for Medical Recruitment Experts.

Possibly a list of email addresses of those who work in some type of medical field (dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors etc), would have been a better group to target than someone like us.

The success of your emails will not only depend upon the subject line.

Who you send them to matters too.

Sending an email to every business owner in the country would not provide a high return on this email.

But I'm also guessing that the sender's view is that email is free so why not just send out millions?

Somebody somewhere might just be interested.

Also, your subject line and indeed the subsequent copy should never be about you, who you are, or what you do.

And it’s not just emails. Your websites, flyers, Google ads, Facebook ads etc., shouldn't all be about you either.

Honestly, in the initial stage, nobody is interested in you or your business no matter how good you are, or you think you are.

What people are interested in and will pay attention, to is something about them.

Something that will solve their problem.

Somebody that identifies their pain or needs.

And the magic word you need to use in your copy is "You".

So instead of creating marketing around your own business, craft it around your prospect and use the word "you" (referring to the reader) a heck of a lot more than you use “We” or “Our” (referring to yourself).

How about you? How do your emails and marketing copy look?

Do you speak to the reader? Or are you just going on and on about yourself and nothing else?

If you’d like us to have a look over your marketing to see how it comes across, just give us a call on 01323 406060


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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