Setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) ensures that people you trust can make decisions on your behalf if you're unable to do so. Without one, critical choices about your Finances and Health & Welfare could be left to the courts, not your spouse or partner. Same issues with business (no payroll, creditors unpaid) in many cases.
For a limited time, The Professional Will Writer is offering a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your LPA options. Steve Pett will guide you through the process, ensuring you understand how to protect your future.
Health & Welfare LPA – Allows your chosen people to make decisions about your medical care and personal wellbeing.
Property & Financial Affairs LPA – Enable people you trust to manage your finances, pay bills, and handle property matters.
Many people delay arranging an LPA, but registration takes up to five months, so acting early is essential. Don’t leave it too late—secure peace of mind today.
Book your free consultation now by calling Steve on 01323 766 766 or send him an email with your questions.
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