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Local News and Updates
Don't wait for perfection in your marketing, JUST DO IT!
  • 28th May 2024
Good is good enough and waiting for perfection could cause you to miss out on more than you could gain!... Read more
New charitable body considered for Congress and Devonshire Park Theatres
  • 13th February 2023
The latest from Eastbourne Borough Council about a charitable body for Congress and Devonshire Park Theatres. Read more
Council Leader: local government financial model ‘no longer sustainable’
  • 9th February 2023
The latest from Eastbourne Borough Council about the local government financial model. Read more
The Concentus Choir numbers are growing
  • 7th February 2023
Our roadside banners are attracting attention, which boosts numbers! Read more
Are you using Google Analytics for your website?
  • 7th February 2023
News you should be aware of for changes coming to Google Analytics you may also know this as Universal Analytics. Read more
Why should you hire a skip from Haulaway?
  • 2nd February 2023
To show our support for local charities Haulaway has chosen You Raise Me Up to benefit from every skip we deliver in 2023. Read more
What social media tools are you using for your marketing in Eastbourne?
  • 31st January 2023
There are lots of tools out there to help with your social media management and this week we focus on Hootsuite!... Read more
How do poor reviews impact your business?
  • 24th January 2023
Knowing a customer has had a poor experience means you can turn on your customer service smile, take on the feedback and FIX the problem!... Read more
Government rejects Bandstand funding bid
  • 20th January 2023
The latest from Eastbourne Borough Council about funding for the Government rejecting Bandstand funding bid. Read more
Planning inspector dismisses hotel appeal over 'eyesore’ garden development
  • 17th January 2023
The latest from Eastbourne Borough Council about the planning inspector dismissing a hotel appeal. Read more
Displaying page 28 of 113