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Local News and Updates
Important factors for your business planning in Eastbourne
  • 23rd November 2021
When it comes to business planning in Eastbourne here are some important factors to take into consideration. Read more
Job vacancy for a Dental nurse at The Dental Barn
  • 16th November 2021
Are you looking for your next role in dentistry?... Read more
The real reason your want to keep your prospect curious
  • 15th November 2021
We all want to be helpful but sometimes you want to leave a little to the imagination of your prospect.... Read more
How to get potential customers to book appointments with you?
  • 9th November 2021
Making it easier for prospects to book time with you will result in the chance to pitch your product or service to people with a genuine interest in them and in this weeks marketing tip we talk about a tool to help make that happen! Read more
What are the most important numbers to review in your marketing?
  • 2nd November 2021
What and how you measure can greatly determine how you rate your marketing campaign so be sure to take stock and be methodical in what factors you can control! Read more
Blue Badge holders and disabled parking in Eastbourne
  • 27th October 2021
Blue Badges help disabled people and people with health conditions park closer to their destination.... Read more
Council wins national award for pandemic response
  • 26th October 2021
The latest news from Eastbourne Borough Council about the fast and efficient distribution of business grants during the height of the pandemic. Read more
Why is your customer database your most valuable business asset?
  • 26th October 2021
Big or small the relationship you have with your customers will greatly increase the value of your business.... Read more
Community Led Homes for Eastbourne
  • 22nd October 2021
The latest news from the Eastbourne Community Land Trust and how you can support the initiative. Read more
A Big Welcome To Our New Fund Manager, David Witham
  • 20th October 2021
We are delighted to welcome and introduce our new Fund Manager, David Witham.... Read more
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